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SOH Strong - Phase 1

  • 31 Days
  • 43 Steps


Welcome to your new training plan as agreed. For your progression the program will cycle through reps, sets and training principles periodically. This is why it is important to complete your sessions weekly, this is what brings the results. To help you get into the rhythm of going to the gym alone; this programme is a mixture of machines and dumbbells/kettlebells. You are in control of your training days however; ensure to leave at least 24 hrs between resistance training sessions. Cardio is fine to be completed immediately after resistance either on the same day (Hiit) or the following (Liss) Weekly check in's are to include measurements, scale weight and pictures. SOH Fit accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from physical exercise. By following our guide you voluntarily assume the inherent risk of physical/resistance training. Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries or allergies, or should you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek medical/professional advice immediately and do NOT proceed to partake in any activity. Any supplements suggested within the guides are optional and must be taken in strict accordance with manufactures recommendations, if in any doubt always consult a physician. Always ensure your technique is correct and train within your own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts present within your training environment.

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SOH Strong Academy

SOH Strong Academy

Private16 Members


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